South Wilts Implant Centre
01722 331 063
Mon-Thu 9am-5pm
Fri 9am-1pm

10 year 99% success rate

We places and restores hundreds of implants annually. Over the last 10 years, our success rate has been over 99%.


  • Attention to detail, meticulous planning and appropriate case selection

    We only recommends implants where appropriate and where the chances of success are excellent. If in an individual case, an alternative other than implants is a better solution, then that is what is recommended.


  • Audit 1

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit odio nisi, sed finibus odio fermentum efficitur. Vivamus consequat arcu nec mollis eleifend.

  • Audit 2

    Vivamus mattis tellus massa, at suscipit dolor malesuada at. Maecenas id neque nec tellus semper accumsan et eu mauris. In viverra nulla et commodo ultrices.